This is a simple demo blog application written in Ruby on Rails. It was created following the Getting Started Guide on This blog diverges from the Getting Started Guide in that it uses the Bootstrap3 front-end framework.

Brief Overview of Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a framework for the Ruby language, which is used for rapid development of web applications. It does this by allowing you to concentrate on solving your clients’ problems and not getting caught up in building an infrastructure to support your clients problem.

Let’s face it, you don’t want to build database access layer every time you start a new project. Neither will you want to implement a fully functioning MVC pattern on a regular basis. This is the whole point of frameworks; they give you a starting point from which you can build upon. This allows you to concentrate on the clients needs, not the so-called yak shaving tasks, which can hold you back.

In this project is a simple blog system with the basics of Ruby on Rails including:

  • Models, Views, and Controllers -> MVC
  • Data Structures & Relationships
  • Routing
  • Migrations
  • Views with forms, partials, and helpers
  • RESTful design
  • Adding gems for extra features

Here is my little blog as a finished project on github RoR-Blog.